Produktai skirti lengvas betonas (2)

Tecnowall betono plokštės - Garso sugerties betonas ir lengvasis betonas

Tecnowall betono plokštės - Garso sugerties betonas ir lengvasis betonas

with expanded clay or with mineral wood fibres The factors that mostly affect the efficiency of acoustic barriers are sound-insulation linked to the masses involved and sound-absorption linked to the porosity and shape of the materials. The noise barrier consists of two layers, one of normal reinforced concrete with a density of 2200-2400 kg/mc, having a supporting function, one of light porous concrete with a density of 900-1100kg/mc. FIP and TECNOACUSTICA offer a noise barrier consisting of a 100mm-thick prefabricated structure of self-stable reinforced concrete and a Greek-fretted facade made of lightweight concrete panels with expanded clay and/or mineral wood fibres for a total thickness of 120mm.
The standard length of panels is 292 cm, which permits a typical centre distance of 3 metres. In terms of height, standard measurements of individual panels are 1.5 metres and 2 metres. Panels are fitted onto metal frames that are dimensioned so as to withstand the stress resulting fro
Lengvas struktūrinis CLS 1.4/1.6/1.8 - Atitinka minimalius aplinkos kriterijus (CAM)

Lengvas struktūrinis CLS 1.4/1.6/1.8 - Atitinka minimalius aplinkos kriterijus (CAM)

Calcestruzzo strutturale alleggerito premiscelato antiritiro a norma UNI EN 206-1 con classe di resistenza CLS 1.4:LC 20/22• CLS 1.6: LC 30/33 • CLS 1.8: LC 40/44, conforme ai criteri ambientali minimi (CAM), a base di leganti idraulici e sfere cave di vetro, per interno ed esterno, da applicare a proiezione meccanica o a mano per la realizzazione di calcestruzzi strutturali alleggeriti in genere. Non attacca i metalli ma li protegge se li avvolge completamente. Da utilizzare per getti strutturali in interno ed esterno, per calcestruzzo in genere con caratteristiche di leggerezza ed alta resistenza, per getti collaboranti su solai in putrelle/laterizio, laterocemento, legno. Disponibile ad asciugamento rapido tipo “R”. Certificato processo produttivo FPC 0925.